CRank: 5Score: 32450

Let see:

Only two articles: (One pro Forza, the other one against GT5).

First one: Poor guy took hours to find picture of real cars and Forza cars. Why? It's in race that you see a difference now. Being able to simulate a real car with decent accuracy, picture wise, as been already done years ago. It's amazing somebody would spend precious time doing this today...

Second article: Poor guy took hours to find pictures with bad shadow in an unreleased versi...

5467d ago 23 agree8 disagreeView comment

I kind of like: "have been inundated with reports " when 7 out of 20 millions is a whoooooping 0.000035% failure rate.

5468d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But if you look at this list, both the original xbox and gamecube got price cuts as well and it didn't help them at all! And both the xbox and gamecube were selling when the economy was VERY healty and it didn't help them at all.

The way I see it, at twice the price of the 360, the PS3 sold just slightly less than the xbox, in his own turf!!! (10,267,000 vs 7,749,396) and during very bad economy. I guess americans can recognize good value when they see it, even if their wallet i...

5469d ago 23 agree13 disagreeView comment

I think it was in a video, so I cannot find the source, but basically, some Microsoft guy said that sex was mainly recognized by analysing voice! (So if you're a very young girl, or you're an old woman who has not been "advantaged" by nature), Natal would still use a female avatar for you.

So basically, I think this device will do Speech AND Voice analysis....

This is why they use only guys when they do a demo with people switching place (Ex.: Jimmy Fallon...

5469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't say that... The Wiimote was really easy to adapt. Many applications showed on the web, like pen and white board application. We had it controlling a robotic arm here.

I'm truly looking forward to experiment with Natal. Being Microsoft, I expect that there will be a lot of security built in to make sure this device can only talk to a Xbox, but nothing is unbreakable. And this is not like the Wiimote. They will have to sell it at lost or pretty close. So I intend to plug th...

5469d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But confirmed built-in CPU and memory... Two cameras, and he said microphone array... Katching.... Not so casual if it's over $200 and it could very well be!

5470d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's amazing that some people still have the time to goof around to try to save the PS3... They should play games instead! 20 millions sold. Trust me, there's less expensive toys that never sold 10 millions per year and would need a boost more than the PS3!

5470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Impressive that it was working in a studio (lighting is tricky). So I think that's why they had to use the red suit... Don't worry, they surely won't be mandatory : ) Dark skin is not a problem either as shown in many demos, and one demo was shown with somebody walking in the background with no effect.

Wondering why there was tape on the floor though... Not for camera angles, this was strange... Hope I don't have to tape my living room!

Here's a picture from Joy...

5470d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

The way I see it, when he came into the business (before the Pentium era), hardware was not important him. "I came in because I wanted to give people experiences that made them have fun"

So basically, he likely still prefer to program on the 486 since he is in his confort zone. No time to learn new hardware. No need to get technical. Just program. I guess he is not the one who's programming those awesome games that are coming out on QuadCore, SLI cards, and high speed m...

5470d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This one is about the results? (Though I now expect 100 articles about the results as well...)

My two cents: Both games look awesome. I think Forza lost because it's a little bit too arcade and people also had a chance to try GT prologue (and know they can already expect way more now...).

On the other side, with so many more xbox in the field, and the bonus being throwed in, I'm truly amazed GT came ahead!

5470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If all the programmers where lazy, our PCs would still have 8086 8bits processors in it!

I can just imagine: "What, DUAL core? 64 bits? DDR2? Are you crazy? I'm not getting out of my confort zone and I'm sticking to programming 8 bits processors!"

Luckily, most programmers are great, and always up for a challenge, otherwise we would still be playing games with black and white sprites!

5471d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

But somehow, I would try to slip Modnation in the list as well... Came out of nowhere, highly creative, and basic fun... But I'm not sure which games I would remove for it.

5471d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dual core? Are you crazy, I've been programming one core all my life, forget it.
Hmmm, OpenGL, too complicated, use old routines
DirectX, nah, too complicated too.
Shaders? Nah, I don't want to learn new stuff.
No way I'm programming for SLI graphic cards... Are you kidding me? TWO GPUS???

Dang, Apple switched processors from Motorola, to PPC, to Intel, you name it, and still their O.S. is running great and look the same!

Windows can work w...

5472d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

First: "Most memorable of course was last year’s Final Fantasy 13 Xbox 360 announcement"
(So last year E3 was won because FF13 became multi-platform.)

Then: "Final Fantasy XIV, which left us all gawping only until we found out it isn’t the platform exclusive"
(So, it's going to the PC as well, then it's not stealing the show)

So right away, last year FF became multiplatform and won the show, but this year, because it's PS3 and PC,...

5473d ago 25 agree5 disagreeView comment

or GT5

But I guess if I'm stuck with the suggested list: Uncharted 2

5474d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

To me it looked similar to the PS2 EyeToy experience. You jump in front of a camera: it looked very derivative of that - similar to other products on the market today," Greenberg told vg247. "I thought it was interesting and fun, just like the PS2 EyeToy is fun."

What's clear is that what we're doing is, in many ways, copying over any of the experiences [demoed] in 2002. We're trying to copy the PS2 EyeToy... with a new controller in gaming and entertainment, and I...

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now, I want to see this in a smaller size room. Most living room are not that large.

5475d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

He is talking about very advanced algorithms here. How much processing power do you need to do that. The way I see it, the device will come with a pretty expensive processor built-in (so it can handle multiple bodies, speech and facial recognition, etc) and they will have to add development cost. He does say this is not a simple camera after all! What is the expected price range of the final product? $200? $300? $400?

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've said tons of stupid things so far, without even knowing anything about it, but this one liner is probably your best!

"it work look they playing in the dark can the eye toy do that no."

Well, the PS3 eye has two infrared leds. I would say not perfect dark unless you're very close, but still doing a great job anyway. You should read a bit before you open your mouth... Only one simple line, but totally wrong! Wow.

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Author wrote: "I haven't been quite this blown away by a tech demo in a long time"

Same guy wrote down: "Burnout showcases a few important points for Microsoft. First, it's a real game that's been on the 360. So Natal doesn't weigh down on the processors so hard that you can't play games. Second, it requires fine motor control."

But he also wrote down: "The test system was an ordinary Xbox 360, connected to small PC and camera that simulates ...

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment